Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 11, 2018

Vietnam Peole's Navy conducted large-scale live-firing

Speech of the announcer in the clip:
Recently in Khanh Hoa province (*), the Naval Command has examined the actual fire of the 4th Naval Cluster under the naval command of 2018. Real bullet-rifles include surface combat vehicles, tanks, anti-aircraft artillery, artillery, anti-aircraft guns, infantry firearms, naval artillery, helicopters, etc.

(*): Khanh Hoa is a province in the central part of Vietnam.

NASA's 'Insight' spacecraft lands on Red Planet

The US space agency Nasa has landed a new robot on Mars after a dramatic seven-minute plunge to the surface of the Red Planet.

The InSight probe aims to study the world's deep interior, and make it the only planet - apart from Earth - that has been examined in this way.

Confirmation of touchdown came through on cue at 19:53 GMT.

It ended an anxious wait in which the robot radioed home a series of updates on its descent.

Nasa's mission control at California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) erupted into cheers when it became clear InSight was safe on the ground.

The agency's chief administrator, James Bridenstine, celebrated what he called "an amazing day". President Trump had rung to offer his congratulations, he told reporters. And the director of JPL, Mike Watkins, said the success should remind everyone that "to do science we have to be bold and we have to be explorers."

More details

* Video: France24English Channel

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 11, 2018

Cai Rang floating market – a work of art in southern Vietnam

Located six kilometers downstream a tributary of the Hau River in the Mekong Delta region of southern Vietnam, Cai Rang is among very few floating markets in the region that are still in business.

Vietnam’s KCT 15 anti-ship missile will be guided by GLONASS

Roskosmos agency head Yuri Urlichich says Vietnam’s KCT 15 anti-ship missile will be guided by GLONASS.

KCT 15 is a licensed copy of the Russian Kh-35. The satellite navigation system will be needed as the missile has a range of 200km.


The U.S. Navy Could Have Had a Submarine Aircraft Carrier

AN-1 would have carried eight fighter jets, had virtually unlimited range.

During the 1950s, the advent of the atomic age forced the U.S. Navy to look at a number of alternate basing schemes for naval aviation. One such scheme was AN-1, an enormous nuclear-powered submarine that could launch eight fighter jets in just under eight minutes.

Although AN-1 was never built, it’s a fascinating look at a ship that could have been.

USS Halibut launching a Regulus cruise missile.

The overwhelming firepower of nuclear weapons against naval forces, demonstrated at Bikini Atoll in 1946, prompted the Navy to consider alternate basing schemes for aircraft. One possibility was making jet fighters amphibious, able to take off directly from the sea, a concept that resulted in the failed Convair XF2Y Sea Dart. Another, bolder idea: placing aircraft carriers underwater.

Dubbed AN-1, the submarine aircraft carrier concept envisioned using a modified version of the Halibut-class guided missile submarine. The Halibut was larger than most boats; the reason was so it could accommodate the Regulus nuclear-tipped cruise missile. The Halibut-class subs carried five Regulus missiles, each of which was the size of a small jet fighter, in a hangar built into the hull. The missiles launched from a rail on the outside of the hull.

AN-1 with all eight aircraft in launch position.

AN-1 would have been a large submarine, nearly 500 feet long with a beam of 44 feet. It would have had an underwater speed of 16 knots, and thanks to a 15,000-horsepower shipboard nuclear power plant, could have cruised to any point on earth. The submarine would have had six bow-mounted torpedo tubes and two rear-firing tubes.

The sub’s real firepower, however, was a squadron of eight vertical-takeoff fighter jets. Designed by Boeing, the dagger-like jets would be raised up on launch platforms nose-first and then boosted into the sky by three 23,000-pound Wright SE-105 turbojets. Two of the engines would fall away to be recovered and reused later. The plane (which never left the design stage) had an estimated top speed of Mach 3.

Submarine authority HI Sutton, author of World Submarines: Covert Shores Recognition Guide, tells Popular Mechanics:

“The cruise missiles being used at the time were about the same size as a jet fighter so it makes sense that if a submarine could launch such a missile, then it could launch a jet fighter. The greater challenge was landing again.
"Boeing proposed tail-sitting jet fighters which take off and land vertically with the engine pointing downwards. This concept was validated in a series of experimental aircraft and found to be viable but also extremely difficult to control. The pilot has to land while sitting upside down and looking over their shoulder."

Proposed Boeing Mach 3 fighter.

Back in the 1950s, the whole U.S. military was pivoting toward atomic war, and it was in a nuclear conflict the AN-1 would have been most useful. The AN-1s wouldn't have been able to send up a useful number of fighter jets for a convention war, but the sub could have surfaced near the Soviet Union or China to launch nuclear-armed fighters from an unexpected direction.

Alternately, AN-1 submarines could sit off the coasts of Asia and Europe and form America’s first line of fighter defense against nuclear-armed intercontinental bombers, intercepting them far from the continental United States. The uncertainty about where the aircraft carriers would pop up would have sown doubt in the foe's mind that a surprise nuclear attack against the U.S. was feasible.

AN-1 was a concept ahead of its time. Today, the increase of high-tech threats against aircraft carriers, including hypersonic weapons and anti-ship ballistic missiles, could force them to adapt and go underwater, just like the Navy was considering 60 years ago. Unmanned aerial vehicles, launched and recovered from submarines could someday perform many of the same missions performed by carrier aircraft.

The United States already builds drones and submarines far larger than AN-1, and it may be just a matter of time before it combines the two into a stealthy and lethal package.


China to build its third domestically made aircraft carrier

Type-001A, the Chinese first domestically made aircraft carrier

China kicked off construction of a third aircraft carrier, CNS reported on Nov. 25.

In a report on the WeChat network, Xinhua said that as the second and first Chinese-built aircraft carrier was experimenting on the sea, a "next-generation carrier" is under planning.

The article, published in honor of the sixth anniversary of the first Chinese aircrafts taking-off and landing on China's first carrier, the Liaoning CNS, did not specify the details of the "the next-generation carrier, is thought to be China's third, but this article is considered China's first public acknowledgment.

Chinese watchers and foreign observers have long claimed that China has begun construction of a third aircraft carrier at the Jiangnan Group's shipyard in Shanghai, China Shipbuilding Corp. They also predicted that the third would be bigger and stronger than Liaoning and the second was unnamed.

Shipbuilding Corp. of the state of China declined to comment on the issue.

Chinese Navy officials also did not respond to the press on November 26th.

(According to, The Week)

US DeepStrike missile system, the answer to Russian Iskander

The United States and its Asian allies face increased threats from ballistic missile capabilities, which are rapidly growing in potential enemies. Russia, China, North Korea and Iran are all investing heavily in strategic and tactical missile strike capabilities.