Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 6, 2013

US passed resolution condemning intimidation by China

United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations recently has passed a resolution condemning China's actions related to the territorial dispute in the East China Sea and South China Sea. ANTĐ reported on June 27.

Japanese media reported on June 15 that a bipartisan group of U.S. senators has introduced a resolution condemning intimidation by China in its assertion of territorial claims in the South and East China Seas and reaffirming the U.S. support for the peaceful resolution of territorial disputes in the region.

The resolution, put forward by Robert Menendez (D-New Jersey), Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, and other senators on the committee, is expected to be approved at a plenary session of the Senate after passing the committee.

It warns against threatening moves by China to claim sovereignty over the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.

The U.S. government "acknowledges that they are under the administration of Japan and opposes any unilateral actions that would seek to undermine such administration," the resolution says.

It also says the government "affirms that the unilateral actions of a third party will not affect" that acknowledgement and "remains committed" under the U.S.-Japan security treaty to "respond to any armed attack in the territories under the administration of Japan."

In an other move, on June 26, Sankei newspaper reported that Japan's Defense Ministry is considering developing long-range ballistic missile with a range of 400-500 km, in order to prevent a potential attack on Senkaku islands / Diaoyu. Ballistic missile is expected to be located on the island of Okinawa, southern Japan. If this project is done, this will be the first time the Japanese Self-Defense Forces are equipped with far ranged attack weapons.

From The Philippines:

Department of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Raul Hernandez on Friday welcomed US Senate Resolution 167, filed June 10 in an effort to ease tensions in the South China Sea and the East China Sea.

The resolution, filed by US Senator Robert and his co-sponsors Senators Benjamin Cardin, Marco Rubio and Bob Corker, particularly cited China’s aggressive assertion of its nine-dash line claim in regional waters and sought to calm the tense air among claimants.

“We understand that the resolution has yet to undergo the necessary congressional process before it is passed by the US Senate, nonetheless, we extend our appreciation on the mere fact that some US senators have deigned it necessary to express their views on a fundamental issue that affects the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region,” Hernandez said in a statement issued Friday afternoon.

Hernandez said the Philippines “especially appreciates the reaffirmation of the peaceful resolution of disputes,” earlier expressed by top US officials in supporting the Philippines.

The resolution noted recent tension in Asia-Pacific waters, including Chinese incursions into the Ayungin and Panatag Shoals within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone in the West Philippine Sea, as the Manila government refers to part of the South China Sea.

It also cited China’s “unilateral steps” in laying claim to the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands to the Chinese) in the East China Sea.

The resolution also made reference to the Philippines’ arbitration bid against China in the United Nations, a process that seeks to clarify maritime boundaries in the West Philippine Sea, stop Chinese incursions into the country’s EEZ and nullify China’s nine-dash line claim to the waters.

It sought the US Senate’s condemnation of “the use of coercion, threats, or force… to assert disputed maritime or territorial claims or alter the status quo” and “strongly urges that all parties… to exercise self-restraint” in undertaking their respective activities within the waters.

The Philippines, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei have been asserting their respective claims to parts of the South China Sea while Japan and China bicker over the East China Sea islands.

The resolution also expressed support for peaceful and diplomatic means of settling maritime disputes and for the United States’ political and military role in maintaining stability in the waters.

ANTĐ/ Global Nation/ Japan Times

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