Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 6, 2013

China, Vietnam should seek South China Sea solution: Chinese President

BEIJING, June 19 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Wednesday that China and Vietnam should push forward with seeking a political solution to the South China Sea issue.

Xi and visiting Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang held three-hour-long talks amidst Song's first ever visit to China.

Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) and Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang wave during a welcoming ceremony in Beijing, capital of China, June 19, 2013. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)
Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) and Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang wave during a welcoming ceremony in Beijing, capital of China, June 19, 2013. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)

"China and Vietnam should make a decision to direct and push forward on seeking a political solution to the South China Sea issue in line with taking responsibilities for history and people. We should proceed from the Chinese-Vietnamese friendship and the development of both countries, so the issue does not affect bilateral ties," Xi stressed.

The key to resolving the dispute lies in maintaining stability and promoting cooperation, Xi added.

Both should adhere to pushing forward bilateral negotiations and friendly consultations while taking no unilateral move that may lead to the dispute further being complicated and increased, he said.

Efforts should also be made to avoid the issue becoming internationalized, he said.

China is willing to work with Vietnam to increase the intensity and frequency of negotiations between the working groups for sea waters out of the mouth of Beibu Bay and meanwhile strive to conduct joint development and demarcation concurrently, Xi said. He added that China also hopes both sides carry out joint research in sea waters out of the mouth of Beibu Bay at an early date.

Sang said Vietnam is willing to implement the consensus between the two countries and properly handle relevant problems through friendly consultations.

Vietnam agreed to actively hold talks on joint development and demarcation in sea waters out of the mouth of Beibu Bay while making efforts to jointly safeguard maritime peace and stability so as to avoid the issue affecting bilateral relations.

Xi: China, Vietnam should follow path of friendly cooperation

BEIJING, June 19 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged China and Vietnam to "unswervingly march together along the path of friendly cooperation" despite distractions.

Xi made the comments during his three-hour-long talks with visiting Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang.

They exchanged views on how to strengthen the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperation under a new environment and reached broad consensus.

Noting that China and Vietnam are important neighbors and partners of cooperation, Xi said over 60 years of history of bilateral relations tells the two countries that they should unswervingly pursue the path of friendly cooperation despite problems and distractions ahead.

Xi emphasized that China is striving for the goals and tasks set by the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and therefore needs peaceful and stable surroundings.

China attaches great importance to developing relations with Vietnam and will firmly uphold the fundamental policy of developing friendly ties, he said.

Xi said that under complicated and profound changes of international political and economic circumstances, the two countries are facing an important stage of affirming traditions and ushering in the future. He said this requires the two sides to follow the development of the bilateral relationship, unswervingly cement and promote friendship, increase strategic mutual trust and properly handle differences.

Sang said that Vietnam and China enjoy a deep traditional friendship, which is the treasure of the two peoples and serves as the foundation for the two countries' future development.

He said the party, the government and people of Vietnam will never forget China's support and assistance and hope the Chinese people will make greater achievements in building socialism with Chinese characteristics and realize their goals in building a comprehensive well-off society.

Vietnam is willing to work with China to strengthen good neighborhood and comprehensive cooperation, increase mutual trust, properly handle differences, carry forward traditional friendship and forge a stronger bilateral relationship to create sound surroundings for their respective development.

Both heads of states agreed during the talks that China and Vietnam are facing key stages of their respective economic and social development and the two sides need to further strengthen comprehensive cooperation. They also agreed on the following issues:

Firstly, the two sides will maintain high level contacts, enhance strategic communication, exchange views on major issues regarding bilateral relations, strengthen communication on party-to-party relations and exchange information on governance experience.

Secondly, the two sides will promote pragmatic cooperation in all fields with a bigger role for the China-Vietnam Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation. They will implement an action plan for promoting the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and upgrade the level of cooperation in defense and law enforcement.

Thirdly, the two countries will strengthen strategic coordination on their economic development and make efforts to reach the goal of 60 billion USD in bilateral trade before 2015.

Fourthly, the two sides will expand friendly contacts in youth, culture and education, organize the 2nd China-Vietnam youth gala program and establish a cultural center in each other's country as soon as possible.

Fifthly, the two countries will step up multilateral cooperation and work with other ASEAN countries to upgrade the China-ASEAN strategic partnership to a higher level.

The two presidents witnessed the signing of various documents on the two sides' cooperation.

Prior to their talks, Xi held a welcoming ceremony for Sang.

China hopes to enhance trust with Vietnam: FM spokeswoman

BEIJING, June 14 (Xinhua) -- China hopes to enhance political mutual trust with Vietnam when its President Truong Tan Sang visits the country, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Friday.

Sang will pay a state visit to China on June 19-21, as a guest of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

During the visit, leaders of the two countries will hold talks on bilateral relations, regional affairs as well as issues of common concern, said Hua.

She said relevant departments of the two countries are negotiating on cooperative documents on politics, the economy, trade and culture.

China and Vietnam are important neighbors and partners, said Hua, adding that the two countries are both at a crucial period of reform and development.

"The sound and stable development of bilateral relations conforms to the common interests of both countries," she said.

She said China expects to enhance political mutual trust through Sang's visit, promote pragmatic cooperation, as well as strengthen communication and coordination in a bid to push forward the development of the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership.


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