Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 3, 2013

Vietnam PM pledges to defend sovereignty

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung (L) shakes hands with a veteran of the historic 1954 Battle of Dien Bien Phu
Vietnam is always prepared to safeguard its sovereignty under any circumstances, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung told veterans of the 1954 Battle of Dien Bien Phu at a meeting on Tuesday in the northern port city of Hai Phong.

Dung stressed that the Party and the government would always honor and appreciate the contributions of military officers and veterans who fought for liberation of the Vietnamese people.

“If there were no great fights like the August Revolution, the 1954 Battle of Dien Bien Phu and Dien Bien Phu in the Air, etc. there would have been no Doi Moi (Renovation).

“Younger generations will promote that tradition as they try their best to develop the country, while making sure to protect its sacred sovereignty,” Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper quoted Dung as saying.

About 20 veterans who fought in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu currently reside in Hai Phong. They shared with the Prime Minister their opinions and wishes concerning the nation’s socio-economic and national security situations and on a current draft proposal that if approved, would amend Vietnam’s 1992 Constitution.

China maritime surveillance ship chasing a Vietnamese fishing vessel around Paracel Islands' sea on February 20th, 2013. Photo:
In related news, Vietnam once again rejected the legitimacy of what China has been referring to as “Sansha City” and demanded that Beijing cease violating Vietnamese sovereignty and impeding the legal activities of Vietnamese fishing vessels, a representative of the National Boundary Commission said Tuesday.

The official said that Vietnam has sufficient legal and historical evidence which affirms its sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes and validates its right to protest China’s recent activities off the two sets of islands.

China recently approved the establishment of the so-called “Sansha” radio-television and satellite television stations; and dispatched marine surveillance ships and a helicopter to patrol the Hoang Sa Islands.

Chinese forces also used coercion to drive away two Vietnamese fishing boats that had been conducting legal fishing activities in the area.

In the latest move, China sent a Fishery Resource and Environmental Science Survey Ship, the Nan Feng, to the waters off the Truong Sa Islands to investigate the area’s fishery resources.

The above-mentioned activities have violated Vietnam’s sovereignty, said the representative of Vietnam’s National Boundary Commission.

Thanhnien News

1 nhận xét:

  1. Rising through the ranks from a humble medical army officer, this scumbag (left on the photo - aka comrade X) is claimed to have attained a Law degree. However, he's found to be not too bright in many areas.

    He is hopeless in writing his own mother tongue Vietnamese (or is it?). Errors in his writing would be deemed very rudimentary. We would think that these errors would be made by a child or someone illiterate.

    More importantly, he proves to be an economic disaster for Vietnam economically and militarily. During his leadership, he introduced many close associates to head key government departments and state owned enterprises. They did not make positive contributions to the economic welfare of the enterprise they managed. They abused their positions for the own benefits. For instance, the president of Vietnam Reserve Bank (closely associated to X) was embroiled in the new polimer current note scandal a few years ago.

    Recent collapses of state owned enterprises Vinashin & Vinalines cost the country to the tune of 100 billion USD. Naturally, the money lost did not go into the black hole. They went into the pockets of the corrrupt Communist officials. No one was caught and tried for their crimes.

    In Vietnam, to get any job you need to fork out a significant sum of cash to the person who makes the hiring decision. You would imagine who much money Dung would be making for landing someone to a plump job which pays a lot of money through corrupton.

    Let's now talk about the country sovereignty, shall we? It's a widely held belief by the Vietnamese that China is the number one threat Vietnam's national security. Yet comrade X and his band wagon have let thousands of Chinese immigrants into Vietnam. They can live, work and travel freely. Chinese spies and militia would mingle with these Chinese migrants. They are allowed to form their own enclaves. They deal with each other in their own language and Chinese currency. Chinese men marry Vietnamese girls. They steal jobs from local Vietnamese.

    Lands are taken away from farmers to build new hotels and golf courses. Vietnam's food secuirty would be at threat in the long run. Many important strategic projects were dubiously awarded to the Chinese. Would Dung and his party comrades care about national sovereignty and security? They wouldn't give a damn. All they care about is getting as much money as possible while they are in power. The longer they stay in power the more damage they would make to Vietnam.

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