Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 5, 2013

Vietnam, Indonesia to boost defense ties, discuss about CN-259

HANOI: Vietnam and Indonesia should establish a strategic dialogue on national defense policy to realise a memorandum of understanding on cooperation signed in 2010, said Vietnamese Defense Minister General Phung Quang Thanh.

Thanh made the proposal at a reception for Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, Deputy Minister of National Defense of Indonesia, in Vietnam's capital Hanoi on Monday, Xinhua news agency quoted local media reports as saying.

Sjamsoeddin on his part said Indonesia has established a training centre for its peacekeeping force and is willing to share its experience with Vietnam.

Both sides also agreed on the need to enhance the exchange of officers at all levels and cooperation in the defense industry.

On the occasion, Sjamsoeddin introduced to Thanh the CN-295 military aircraft, a transportation plane that uses Airbus components and assembled by Indonesia's PT Dirgantara Group.

Vietnam 'praised' Indonesia's CN-295 aircraft

Transport aircraft CN-295The CN-259 transport aircraft

General Phung Quang Thanh and Major General Nguyen Kim Cach has the positive assessment of transport aircraft CN-295 which Indonesia introduced to Vietnam.

Vietnam Defense Minister, General Phung Quang Thanh said, according to the current demand, Vietnam was very interested in the plane, "the same" as that of Indonesia's CN-295 production, after studying the complexity of aircraft manufactured by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) and Airbus Military company co-production.

Indonesian Media quoted press release from Indonesian Embassy in Hanoi on Monday (27/5), said Vietnam Defense Minister also mentioned plans to send a delegation of Vietnam's Air Force to Indonesia to study the Indonesian aviation industry and require more information about the CN-295 aircraft when the Deputy Minister of Defense Sjafrie Sjamsuddien Indonesia to visit Vietnam.

At a private meeting in Vietnam, Deputy Political Commissar of the Vietnam's Air Defense - Air Force, Major General Nguyen Kim Cach, said Vietnam has been exploring an aircraft similar CN-295 when he visited to Spain.

The Minister also said that the CN-295 aircraft assembled in Indonesia will be very good for Vietnam by the after-sales service plane can be done in Indonesia - which is not far from Vietnam.

Soha News

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